Thursday 8 May 2014

Islamic Awareness

- The one thing I gained after entering IIUM is that I've changed to a more independent person. But there is a change that I do not like which is the lack of fun. IIUM is pretty much a boring place to study. I spent most of my times in my room doing assignments and stuff and went outside of IIUM to relax. I won't lie, I am glad that I am finally graduating this year. But I will forever be grateful to the lecturers and friends here for the knowledge and experiences. For this class, on the other hand, since we had to search for a Youtube video for our CMC task, we did not put much thought into choosing it. However, we did realize that we had to follow through the Islamic guidelines and not pick a video that could be deemed as un-Islamic. We avoided the ones filled with violence and profanity and ended up choosing a video that talks about dirty stuff like poop. We did not consider it as a bad video since we thought that people would not be put off by the video. The only bad word that was used in the video was 'shit' and we thought it was still okay and mediocre in the profanity section. But throughout the presentation, we noticed that the only person who had a strong reaction to the bad words is Madam Rozina. And then we reflected on this. Although most of the class were okay with it, we thought that we need to consider other people's feeling as well.This taught us that there are certain border that we should probably not cross especially in front of the lecturer.

-Alhamdulillah i am mostly thankful to Allah who put me in this class with very knowledgeable and motherly Dr. Rozina and later put us three together in a group. While i have always heard that learning is to take place everyday whether we are in learning institution or not, graduated or not, its an ongoing process and somehow through this ENGL 4740 class and nearing graduation i have come to realise that it is true. For that i thank IIUM, lecturers, friends, and everyone for making my on going learning process fun and memorable. InsyaAllah i hope that me, nazira and sofi as well as the rest of the class will never stop learning and tadabbur.    

- throughout this course, not only did I get to learn more about CALL but also about myself as well as my friends. Getting along with my groupmates to work on the assignments given to us has taught me a lot about appreciating the people around me. I think that this is one of the many Islamic values I received during the class. As a Muslim, being thankful is important because not everyone gets what we get and it might not last long. Then there are the occasional tazkirah Dr. Rozina sometimes delivered randomly during class time. I remember her saying something along the lines of making a boring class Islamic is better than trying to make it seem fun. And I can't agree more as we are in an Islamic university after all.

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